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Microsoft 4Afrika is offering students Internship Opportunities


Microsoft is offering Internships and world class training to students as it expands its 4Afrika program to more African countries. The program will offer 100 students an opportunity to undergo a 12 month Internship from which they will gain acquire intense training and mentorship in sales, marketing, retail operations, IT and business development fields.

Microsoft 4Afrika Internships will be available to students in the these areas; Johannesburg, Lagos, Windhoek, Gaborone, Nairobi, Abijan, Dakar, Yaounde, Addis Ababa, Port Louis, Dar es Salaam and Harare.

Applicants are required to possess a completed degree with Business, Science, Engineering, Marketing, Computer or IT related majors and less than 12 months of fulltime working experience.

Just in case you are interest in an Internship that will give you; competitive monthly pay, an all expense paid trip to 4Afrika’s office in South Africa for orientation, training and certifications, mentoring and Microsoft devices. Send you CV to Jessica O’Gorman

Remember that successful 4Afrika graduate interns will qualify for full time jobs at Microsoft Graduate (MACH) in Africa.

The 4Afrika program will select 100 applicants per year for the Internship and the first admissions will take place between January and February 2014 and the second admissions will take place between June and July in 2014.

Applications will be closed on 15th December and successful applicants will receive confirmation emails. Failure to receive a response will deem your application unsuccessful.

Uganda’s Top Videos on Youtube in 2013


Here is what Ugandans have been watching the most most on YouTube as seen on the year in review Channel. Basically Youtube choose all the videos visited on the The Youtube Uganda website and videos when a particular person logged into Youtube from Uganda and the videos are from Ugandan Youtube channels. Remember Youtube won’t rank a video by selecting all the views on the multiple channels a video is, but rather the video on a particular channel with the most views.

Majority of the videos are music videos from Local artist, comedy and pornography. It’s so absurd that some of these ‘dirty videos had more views that some of the music videos from the official Artists’ YouTube channels.

Here is the list of the list of top Trending videos on Youtube in Uganda;










Youtube’s most Popular Videos of 2013


It’s been a year filled with changes at Youtube, starting with Their New logo, new Android and iOS apps, replacement of the old commenting system with Google + comments and the YouTube Music awards.
The Social Media Company always releases a list of the Most Popular Videos of the Year. This year we have music Videos topping the charts with ‘The Fox’s What Does the Fox’ say talking the crown.

Followed by Harlem Shake, How Animals Eat their food, Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking ball, Baby & Me, Volvo Truck — The Epic Split featuring Jean Claude Van Damme, YOLO by Lonely Island, Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise , The NFL: A Bad Lip Reading , Mozart versus Skillrex: Epic Rap Battles of History, Season 2.
Youtube also created a special list for the Most Trending Videos of the year, And the Most popular VEVOS include PewDiePie, HolaSoyGerman, Smosh, RihannaVEVO, and OneDirectionVEVO.

Ylvis – The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) [Official music video HD] The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)

Harlem Shake

How Animals Eat Their Food

Miley Cyrus’s Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version)

Baby & Me / The New Evian Film

Volvo Truck — The Epic Split featuring Jean Claude Van Damme

The Lonely Island’s YOLO featuring Adam Levine and Kendrick Lamar

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

The NFL: A Bad Lip Reading

Mozart versus Skillrex: Epic Rap Battles of History, Season 2

See the Youtube’s Year in review here


Woloks: lets you Send Free SMS to anyone in Uganda!

Now whether you are in doubt or extremely excited, just know that this app is free without gimmicks and lets you send real SMS to just about anybody in Uganda. All you need is an active internet connection to be able to send sms however you don’t need internet to recieve the SMS.

No, it’s not a Whatsapp replica, Woloks enables any android user in Uganda to send messages to another mobile phone user even if they don’t have android, or own a feature phone ‘those phones with no internet or color screens’. You will enjoy the app more when the user you are texting also has the app because you will be able to send free messages to each other within the nice app. Honestly I found the UserI nterface (UI) of Woloks better than the UI of the default messaging app of android below 4.4

 Ivan Mworozi the developer of the app told us “the app is free and its going to stay that way.” We didn’t find any annoying ads or banners at the time and the app was straight to the point.

“the app is free and its going to stay that way.” says Ivan Mworozi – Developer

You basically fill out a form with your details such as name, number and email then the magic begins.

You will probably have a smile on your face when you send out an SMS and then get a reply, meaning it works!


Please make sure you use your real numbers to register because trying to change the number will make the app prompt you for a verification code which it sends you by SMS. “More security features are being worked on….” Ivan says “This is the 1st version and we hope to improve the app.”

How to get the app

  1. Go to Google Play Store on your Android phone
  2. Then go to the search bar and enter “Woloks” because we got many apps with the name smsFree most of which didn’t work. The word Vumilia will get you the particular app we are talking about.  Be sure to select the app whose logo looks like a blue bird as seen in the featured image
  3.  Click Install then wait for a few minutes, when the download is complete,

Open the app and enter your details then you will be able to send free SMS to Uganda only.

Being the first version of the app, He has added a feedback form to the app in case you find any problems or want any improvements.

When people sit down and make productive apps, you truly have to appreciate their work, and when they make the app free the only way to reward them is by hitting the Download button and spreading the word. I mean these guys just made texting & vibing,  really easy.

NOTE: The App is back on the Playstore, its been slightly re-branded and it works. Download it here

Roadconexion provides Uganda Road users with real-time crowdsourced traffic updates


Roadconexion is a new mobile web application that lets you access real-time traffic information on all major roads (currently in Uganda only)

The mobile web App which first won the Tech4Governance hackathon last month has been launched today by a team of 8 developers and graphic designers at Hive Colab which is a coworking space for innovators in Kampala.

Lynn Asiimwe, the lead developer on the project said she hates being in traffic and that’s the reason why they built the App.

The App currently runs on all major mobile browsers and lets mobile road users submit road status such as road repairs, accidents, traffic jam on almost any road mapped on Google maps. User’s simply login using their Twitter or Facebook accounts for the first time, after which they receive real-time traffic information from other road users.

The App goes head-on against traffic Apps like Waze which as recently bought by Google at $1B and Kenya’s Ma3route except that Roadconexion has started out with a mobile web App to cover even even the most basic feature phones.


However, team hopes to roll out a native Android and iOS version of the App which in the coming weeks and monetize once they reach critical mass of users.

Get started by visiting on your mobile device or tweet your traffic updates with the hashtag #rdxug and the App will automatically pick them up. Also follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Sweden-Uganda eHealth/mHealth Meetup showcased Apps that improve healthcare!


Swiss and Ugandan mHealth and eHealth companies came together at Outbox to demo their software and apps to the people in the medical and IT sectors of Uganda together with mHealth and eHealth enthusiasts in Uganda. Several apps and medical software were pitched and here are details on each application

Text to change

Nalweyiso Olivia Mary talked about text to change which is a social enterprise started in  2007  that deals in social management,  database collection through use of SMS to allow their partners reach their target audience. Tect to change collects information using Mobile phones. Besides mHealth they also use SMS for the services like mEducation to manage and communicate in the  education sector, mEnvironment. They have run campaigns with over 66 partners such as  tobaccocontrol Uganda, lifebouy.

Helseplan Consulting Group 

Provides health care management software,  and offer education and training in the medical sector through offering mandatory patient health safety in Sweden. Helseplan also offers ehealth digital diagnosis of patients.


Wilson talked about Clinic master which is a Ugandan built medical software capable of automating medical record keeping and has a  real time database where a patient’s bio data is entered, a patient can be registered by either a patient number or fingerprint. Clinicmaster enables doctors submit data about every visit a patient makes to the hospital, lab tests made and the prescription given. The software gives the doctor  an alert in case a patient visits and allows a doctor see the patient queue. Its also alerts pharmacies when drugs are out of stock,

DD Innovation – Dr. Maombi

DD Innovation is a medical software company that made an app called Dr.Maombi which is being used in  in Mkuranga, Tanzania. The app provides demand driven health solution. The app provides clinical officers with training. In case a patient has a complicated case, the app submits this data to a web server and doctors provide feedback.

MedCard Apps

MedCard Apps is a medical softwawre company based in Malmo Sweden which develops medical software, that aims to remove paper work from hospitals and clinics so as to improve security and efficiency. The app uses personal plastic microchip cards called Medcards that are used to store patient data and are used every time a patient checks in. The app used a computer, a server, front desk computer, medcards and MedCard readers to  help hospital staff access profiles and records of patients

 The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG)

TMCG has started a 24 hour medical help line that enables patients call doctors and get solutions to their medical problems at standard call rates. TMCG is made up of researchers, pharmacists, mHealth enthusiasts who aim to improve poor quality health services and prevent unnecessary crowdness in hospitals and clinics.

Interswitch partners with MTN: Withdraw from any Interswitch ATM via mobile money


With the increasing pace at which mobile money is growing in terms of flexibility and transactions, there is no time for stopping or even slowing down. Dubbed the best innovation to come out of Africa in the 21st Century, Mobile Money has taken the continent by storm. These days, payment of bills is instant and very flexible, thanks to mobile phones and the mobile money technology.

After the shocking partnership of Crane Bank and MTN, Interswitch, a company that aims at simplifying inter transactions amongst its banking partners has now partnered with MTN. With mobile money, you can now withdraw your money from any Interswitch ATM across Uganda.  The banks that partner with Interswitch include DFCU, Fina, Cairo International Bank, UBA, Global Trust Bank, Finance Trust, Orient, Imperial Bank and Opportunity Uganda. This for sure is going to cause exponential growth to the Mobile Money business and MTN has already welcomed that.

If you can recall properly, Interswitch first partnered with Airtel to do the same thing and all Airtel money users can testify. Now they have taken things to a whole new level and this is already exciting for mobile money users on MTN. I recieved a message this morning and was just thrilled at how far mobile money can integrate with the banking sector. This shall continue to be good news because mobile money is accessible nationwide and is very easy to use, unless one does not know how to operate a smartphone.

Innovation Prize Africa meeting, Calling Innovators!


The Innovation Prize Africa challenge (IPA) is a competiton that seeks to promote innovation in Africa. The IPA has been running for the past 2 years and seeks to find innovations in the agriculture & agribusiness, ICT applications, Health & well-being, manufacturing & service, energy, environment and water. The competition gets over 900 applications from over 40 countries in Africa from which 3 winners are selected.

The winners bag a total of $150,000 which is broken down to $100,000 for the First Prize which is usually given to an innovation that has ventured into the market, and 2 runners-up bag $25,000  each, The runners up are given their awards as a ‘Business Potential’ or The ‘Social Impact Innovation.’

The event at hivecolab had a panel of speakers included Pauline from IPA, Terry Karungi – Product lead at Kola Studios, Drake Patrick Mirembe from UTAMU, Joshua Okello a developer of Winsenga. Micheal Niyitegeka  was the moderator.

Pauline - IPA
Pauline says the challenge which has been founded by AIF- Africa Innovation Foundation whose slogan is The future we innovate, to promote innovation and says that it helps the finalists get publicity and also partners with the winners so that the team ideas are brought to the market. Besides the challenge they are launching an e-law library enables every one in every country in africa to access the law. She took us through a video of the 2013 winners such as Agriprotein (1st prize) which creating animal feed from fly larvae, the Business Potential award went to Saphone Energy which is a bladeless economical wind energy convertor took the , Social Impact award went to a fonio husking machine that husks 5kgs of Fonio ‘a West African cereal’ in 8 minutes.

The meeting was an interactive session between the panel and audience who shared thier views on innovation, some of the views include;

Innovation doesn’t necessarily mean IT an issue Terry stressed Micheal Nyitegeka the moderator was glad the winners weren’t  the IT sector,  Joshua of Winsenga said that necessity is the start of innovation.  He shared why he did Information Systems but is in Mulago hospital working with pregnant mothers to use the mobile phone as an Ultra-sound scan. He gave a story of how his Co-founder worked in a clinic in his S.6 vacation and his peak through Medic school whih he dropped out inspired him. Patrick of UTAMU said “Innovation is anchored by personality.”

Terry Karungi told Start-ups that Investors mean business and they are not a charity, because they will ask for numbers though they help push an innovation from a startup to a business.

[quote_box_center] “Google is your friend. Focus and do not multi-task. Its ok for any start-up to fail, the focus should be on the learning  – Terry Karungi of Kola Studios” [/quote_box_center]

[quote_box_center] “We need quality and better User interfaces” – Joshua[/quote_box_center]

There was a heavy talk that had majority say that the education sector needs to have amendments, Joshua says that his experience at Makerere University made innovation evolve around men, he did a head count which showed very few females at the event.

Deadline for submission of Applications is 30th November, those with applications can submit here.

Gdays Uganda 2013 – Developers marry Businesses


G|day X Uganda 2013 an event by the GDG (Google Developer Group) which is supported by Google, Attendees had to choose what sessions they preferred either the Developer Sessions or the Business sessions.

Simon Kaheru of SMS Media introduced the event by relating the all session to a marriage, “Developers wed Business” , his enthusiastic warm up where he deeply related business to weddings, an idea i found less geeky. He emphasised that Business and developers need to make love not war in marriage, He finds developers as easy going, eager people, excited then he explains businesses as ground, serious, diffuclut ant yet very rewarding. Romance and courtship is where developers learn about and connect their business partners and must disclose as much as possible, and urges developers to be real. The marriage is where the business is registered and its taken serious and everyone wants a ripe old business. Simon related Children to products or apps, some children will give you sleepless nights and others are rewarding. He wished everyone a happy marriage.

NIcholas Kamanzi briefed us about what GDG means,  Google Developer Groups a community of developers who meet several times through hackathons, code weekends, meetups and provide inspiration for developers. He also aplaused GBG kampala for being the first Google Business Group in Uganda which has meetsup to relate business with Google technologies.

Hassan Nsubuga had a session on Google Maps APIs, in the developer room. He showcased the importance of Google maps and the need to use the API to get users to use maps

Meanwhile in the Business section,  Terry Karungi a product Lead at Kola studios, She had a session on Google Apps for business and she shared the features and importances of Google Drive to business, she demos live collaboration in Google Docs, spreadsheets, talk about presentations in a browser, and spreadsheets which is a powerful tool, forms which can be used to collect Data.

Terry Karungi at GDays

Elijah Kitaka from Google talked about startups, starting his session by calling upon Co-founders of startups to pitch their ideas or startups, his main goal was to make people find out how business relate with users. He shared a collaboration form for startups to use to find out their challenges, what users what and solutions.

More sessions were held on Google services such as the Youtube API, Cloud storage, and refreshments in between. Kai Wulif from Google made a brief talk on Project Link which a venture by Google to connect communities to faster internet fibre by collaborating with entrepreneurs in the communications sector. Project link gives the ISPs faster  “unlimited” at a flat fee.Kai took questions from attendees and his key statements include; “its not the price of internet, its how much you make out of the internet. He refered privacy queriesnto the official Google statement on privacy.


The event brought developers and business owners together to learn and share about Google technologies.

[Update] Instagram windows phone now lets you take photos& record videos


Today Instagram launched its Official Windows phone app, after Vine launched its app last week.

Now forget clients such as 6tag, this is the official Instagram experience but before any user  celebrates, the app doesn’t allow one to take a photo or record video. Update: The app no lets you take photos and record videos. Users are only able to post photos that they have already taken with their camera. A process that is rather long and tiring.

Much as Windows phone officials are boosting about how they have “covered the app gap” their apps seem to lack a number of features. According to the verge, Instagram is not done yet and is still working on a fix.


Update: The in App camera now works

Image Source: The Verge


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