Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Interswitch partners with MTN: Withdraw from any Interswitch ATM via mobile money


With the increasing pace at which mobile money is growing in terms of flexibility and transactions, there is no time for stopping or even slowing down. Dubbed the best innovation to come out of Africa in the 21st Century, Mobile Money has taken the continent by storm. These days, payment of bills is instant and very flexible, thanks to mobile phones and the mobile money technology.

After the shocking partnership of Crane Bank and MTN, Interswitch, a company that aims at simplifying inter transactions amongst its banking partners has now partnered with MTN. With mobile money, you can now withdraw your money from any Interswitch ATM across Uganda.  The banks that partner with Interswitch include DFCU, Fina, Cairo International Bank, UBA, Global Trust Bank, Finance Trust, Orient, Imperial Bank and Opportunity Uganda. This for sure is going to cause exponential growth to the Mobile Money business and MTN has already welcomed that.

If you can recall properly, Interswitch first partnered with Airtel to do the same thing and all Airtel money users can testify. Now they have taken things to a whole new level and this is already exciting for mobile money users on MTN. I recieved a message this morning and was just thrilled at how far mobile money can integrate with the banking sector. This shall continue to be good news because mobile money is accessible nationwide and is very easy to use, unless one does not know how to operate a smartphone.

Innovation Prize Africa meeting, Calling Innovators!


The Innovation Prize Africa challenge (IPA) is a competiton that seeks to promote innovation in Africa. The IPA has been running for the past 2 years and seeks to find innovations in the agriculture & agribusiness, ICT applications, Health & well-being, manufacturing & service, energy, environment and water. The competition gets over 900 applications from over 40 countries in Africa from which 3 winners are selected.

The winners bag a total of $150,000 which is broken down to $100,000 for the First Prize which is usually given to an innovation that has ventured into the market, and 2 runners-up bag $25,000  each, The runners up are given their awards as a ‘Business Potential’ or The ‘Social Impact Innovation.’

The event at hivecolab had a panel of speakers included Pauline from IPA, Terry Karungi – Product lead at Kola Studios, Drake Patrick Mirembe from UTAMU, Joshua Okello a developer of Winsenga. Micheal Niyitegeka  was the moderator.

Pauline - IPA
Pauline says the challenge which has been founded by AIF- Africa Innovation Foundation whose slogan is The future we innovate, to promote innovation and says that it helps the finalists get publicity and also partners with the winners so that the team ideas are brought to the market. Besides the challenge they are launching an e-law library enables every one in every country in africa to access the law. She took us through a video of the 2013 winners such as Agriprotein (1st prize) which creating animal feed from fly larvae, the Business Potential award went to Saphone Energy which is a bladeless economical wind energy convertor took the , Social Impact award went to a fonio husking machine that husks 5kgs of Fonio ‘a West African cereal’ in 8 minutes.

The meeting was an interactive session between the panel and audience who shared thier views on innovation, some of the views include;

Innovation doesn’t necessarily mean IT an issue Terry stressed Micheal Nyitegeka the moderator was glad the winners weren’t  the IT sector,  Joshua of Winsenga said that necessity is the start of innovation.  He shared why he did Information Systems but is in Mulago hospital working with pregnant mothers to use the mobile phone as an Ultra-sound scan. He gave a story of how his Co-founder worked in a clinic in his S.6 vacation and his peak through Medic school whih he dropped out inspired him. Patrick of UTAMU said “Innovation is anchored by personality.”

Terry Karungi told Start-ups that Investors mean business and they are not a charity, because they will ask for numbers though they help push an innovation from a startup to a business.

[quote_box_center] “Google is your friend. Focus and do not multi-task. Its ok for any start-up to fail, the focus should be on the learning  – Terry Karungi of Kola Studios” [/quote_box_center]

[quote_box_center] “We need quality and better User interfaces” – Joshua[/quote_box_center]

There was a heavy talk that had majority say that the education sector needs to have amendments, Joshua says that his experience at Makerere University made innovation evolve around men, he did a head count which showed very few females at the event.

Deadline for submission of Applications is 30th November, those with applications can submit here.

Gdays Uganda 2013 – Developers marry Businesses


G|day X Uganda 2013 an event by the GDG (Google Developer Group) which is supported by Google, Attendees had to choose what sessions they preferred either the Developer Sessions or the Business sessions.

Simon Kaheru of SMS Media introduced the event by relating the all session to a marriage, “Developers wed Business” , his enthusiastic warm up where he deeply related business to weddings, an idea i found less geeky. He emphasised that Business and developers need to make love not war in marriage, He finds developers as easy going, eager people, excited then he explains businesses as ground, serious, diffuclut ant yet very rewarding. Romance and courtship is where developers learn about and connect their business partners and must disclose as much as possible, and urges developers to be real. The marriage is where the business is registered and its taken serious and everyone wants a ripe old business. Simon related Children to products or apps, some children will give you sleepless nights and others are rewarding. He wished everyone a happy marriage.

NIcholas Kamanzi briefed us about what GDG means,  Google Developer Groups a community of developers who meet several times through hackathons, code weekends, meetups and provide inspiration for developers. He also aplaused GBG kampala for being the first Google Business Group in Uganda which has meetsup to relate business with Google technologies.

Hassan Nsubuga had a session on Google Maps APIs, in the developer room. He showcased the importance of Google maps and the need to use the API to get users to use maps

Meanwhile in the Business section,  Terry Karungi a product Lead at Kola studios, She had a session on Google Apps for business and she shared the features and importances of Google Drive to business, she demos live collaboration in Google Docs, spreadsheets, talk about presentations in a browser, and spreadsheets which is a powerful tool, forms which can be used to collect Data.

Terry Karungi at GDays

Elijah Kitaka from Google talked about startups, starting his session by calling upon Co-founders of startups to pitch their ideas or startups, his main goal was to make people find out how business relate with users. He shared a collaboration form for startups to use to find out their challenges, what users what and solutions.

More sessions were held on Google services such as the Youtube API, Cloud storage, and refreshments in between. Kai Wulif from Google made a brief talk on Project Link which a venture by Google to connect communities to faster internet fibre by collaborating with entrepreneurs in the communications sector. Project link gives the ISPs faster  “unlimited” at a flat fee.Kai took questions from attendees and his key statements include; “its not the price of internet, its how much you make out of the internet. He refered privacy queriesnto the official Google statement on privacy.


The event brought developers and business owners together to learn and share about Google technologies.

[Update] Instagram windows phone now lets you take photos& record videos


Today Instagram launched its Official Windows phone app, after Vine launched its app last week.

Now forget clients such as 6tag, this is the official Instagram experience but before any user  celebrates, the app doesn’t allow one to take a photo or record video. Update: The app no lets you take photos and record videos. Users are only able to post photos that they have already taken with their camera. A process that is rather long and tiring.

Much as Windows phone officials are boosting about how they have “covered the app gap” their apps seem to lack a number of features. According to the verge, Instagram is not done yet and is still working on a fix.


Update: The in App camera now works

Image Source: The Verge

Is the Bitcoin bubble about to burst?


When a virtual currency becomes more valuable than any other currency on the planet then many have to worry or celebrate, starting from the US congress’s meetings about the issue of Bitcoin and the coin’s ban from some countries. Was this due to its lack of Government control? Definitely, the same reason the Bitcoin has rose to a peak value of $900 on Mt Gox, Bitcoin’s largest exchange market, a day after it hit the $500 mark. We have to ask ourselves whether this is about to come to an end. The currency might not come to real life if it stays at that price

But as the coin gains value and popularity, the anonymity of its users is slowly declining and this encouraged researchers to work together to make the currency more secure. Remember the SilkRoad incident where the suspected owner and several drug dealers on the website were apprehended after the shutdown of silkroad.

The coin which was launched in 2009 has seen rapid growth and there about 12 million bitcoins which are valued at roughly $12 billion and for some has been a lucky bet as compared to forex exchange, Just In case you bought a bitcoin last month at its about $250 then you have hit a jackpot if you trade it today. But will the curve keep looking towards the sky?

No, honestly the coin will or has hit its peak and soon or later drop and the drop could take its worst hit, and the coin leaves several questions whose answers we shall soon see. Will the value keep at that price? Will the bitcoin keep the anonymity of its users? Will the coin survive the war against national currencies and governments?

Anonymity remains an issue of the wallet, because some wallets let you check out from you mobile phone mobile number (Kipochi), others let you check out using your bank, a few let you use your atm, and just in case the FBI cracks down on any wallet/check out service then the information where you cash out your bitcoin could have your personal information which kills your anonymity. Recently the FBI shut down a bitcoin exchange service for investigations on Silk Road, I can’t guarantee that the users’ information was secure.

Will there be a panic attack, that will see most users cash out their virtual wealth for fear of drops in the value? This might just be the thing that actually leads to decline in the value of the virtual currency.

Hard facts, we still need the bitcoin for what everybody else calls ‘dirty’ transactions, making donations to those charities, journalists of activists whose bank accounts have been frozen. We still need the coin, so its up to the developers and users to make sure the coins stays strong, because it might not be today, tomorrow the day after that, but sometime you might need the Bitcoin.

A new WordPress Android app with major changes that matter!

The most popular blogging engine, WordPress has made significant changes to their Mobile apps especially android. only powers approximately over  72,374,794 websites and the self-hosted version powers more than just blogs, which created a need to support mobile publishing, so wordpress decided to create its wordpress Android app in 2010.

Automatic didn’t stop at creating the app, they also made it open source and shared the code on GitHub, and they have slowly added features for both and self-hosted wordpress blog. I must say blogs enjoy more features with the app such as stats are now natively built into the app, Likes on posts are also available for self-hosted wordpress site. All users however enjoy services such the ability to create new posts, comment, add featured images, upload media, quick posts, quick videos edit pages and delete posts.

What are you going to love about the app?

Wordpress edit gallery

If you use wordpress, you are probably a blogger, writter or content creator and sometimes it gets tiresome to carry a laptop around all day, or you probably want to publish or edit on the go, some stories deserve immediate publicity and wordpress mobile apps give you the power to do so, because you can login into the app and edit, create or publish a post on the go. Its even better on a tablet. Just in case you worry about having your website in your pocket, they added a fix i have posted below.

Forget the missing featured image saga, the app now lets you add a featured image to your story so that your website maintains its look. You will even get notifications for comments made to your post so long as you are using the built in wordpress commenting system.

Is it Secure?

For now YES, however with wordpress you have to take the measures to guard it yourself. Luckily in the latest release a pin lock feature has been added, previously i used to logg out of the app and clear data so that my kid bro didn’t delete my post or any malicious being.

Pinlock Feature on wordpress

Now Automattic has added a 4 digit pin-lock feature for the app on top of the login details, just in case you had logged in and lost your phone you don’t have to worry if you activated the feature by going to setting and tapping Pin Lock.  More to security, the app doesn’t allow a user to change the login password using the application so you are ‘Safe’. Safe is in quotes because security is something we cannot exhaust and new exploits are developed daily and with WordPress 3.7.x wordpress security updates are applied automatically.

New Features?

You can now view your Media Gallery from your wordpress android app, you really need to sigh because adding an image into a post was really difficult before this feature was added. You can edit your photos by adding captions, descriptions, adding photos and videos to posts straight to your phone while using the app. The Gallery looks pretty to with a tile-like layout.

Besides the Media Gallery, you can also create tiled galleries using your phone by long pressing images in the media gallery.

Native Stats really look amazing, forget the old Stats feature that would redirect you to a framed webpage, now the stats are built into the app to show you visitors and views, followers & shares, clicks, referrers and search engines.  Too bad you have to have a account to use this feature.

Just in case you don’t like anything about the app, they have shared the source code, and WordPress has an active developer and support base.

Get the App Here


Screenshot Source: Google Play

Vine Launches on Windows Phone


The twitter, video app has made its way to the windows Phone platform. The 6 second video sharing app for twitter has beaten Facebook’s Instagram to make it to Windows phone officially. Vine which has an estimated 40 million users as of August will definitely see its users grow after the move to windows phone.

Will the abscent of Instagram on windows phone help vine? Yes and No because users who migrated fro android to windows phone already have instagram accounts, however some users will prefer using native apps and hence use the Official vine app to share shot videos. Lets remember that Instagram is majorly a photo sharing application and it introduced Video sharing 4 months after Vine did.
So the question has to be answered by the user, whether 6 seconds is better than 15 seconds.

Vine has live tiles and properly intergrates with your windows phone camera so as to keep you within the app.

vine camera vine


Now windows phone users put their Cameras to good use by getting the Vine app here

Chrome for Windows to block installation of extensions from outside the Chrome store


Google Chrome has announced that it will be blocking local installation of extensions, and only extensions installed through the Chrome Web Store  will work. These changes will take effect in January 2014. This move by Google follows several security threats by malicious extensions, definitely such extensions cannot be allowed on the Chrome Store, so developers have found other means to distribute them, this will improve security of the browser and its users. Totally rejecting installation of ‘external’ Chrome extensions will offer more security as compared to previous measures such as warnings, disabling extensions and preventing auto-installation of extensions. Google says that some of the extensions change the browser settings mainly security settings and hence ruining the true browser experience on Chrome. Developers will still be able to make local extension installations, however they are required to pay a fee of $5 and follow Google’s guidelines and terms & conditions so as to publish their extensions on the Chrome store. You might thinl this move is brilliant but some extensions that we love do not follow Google’s terms & conditions hence they do not exist on the chrome store e.g. YouTube & Playstore apk downloaders, and some extensions from developers who are not willing to pay $5 will definitely be missed. So ask yourself one question, what is more important than security? Then choose to frown or smile to Google’s changes

Since these malicious extensions are not hosted on the Chrome Web Store, it’s difficult to limit the damage they can cause to our users. As part of our continuing security efforts, we’re announcing a stronger measure to protect Windows users: starting in January on the Windows stable and beta channels, we’ll require all extensions to be hosted in the Chrome Web Store. We’ll continue to support local extension installs during development as well as installs via Enterprise policy, and Chrome Apps will also continue to be supported normally.

Source: GoogleChromium Blog

Helpouts by Google is a web & Android app that gets you help from experts


Google just announced a new service they have dubbed ‘Helpouts by Google. This service has been available to online a few premium subscribers but yesterday the service was opened to the public both on the web and via an Android application.


How does it work?

Helpouts uses Google + Hangouts and Google Wallet to get you a live video chat with an expert who gives you help on whatever topic you would like to know about. These are real-life conversations with experts over live video calls. It sounds amazing however your credit card gets billed, you get to choose whether to pay per helpout, or per minute depending on your preference, however some helpouts are free, but the majority are premuim.

What you get is a video call, from what Google calls over 1000 experts, you make a video call and get the help you need.

Is it Practical to Africa?

Honestly its a huge NO, because the idea of paying for stuff using credit cards isn’t a trend here, it in fact difficult, besides Google has several options for you to actually get help, the commonest being the search bar, . Much as i find video help the best, i have found it to have many flaws, and there are free alternatives to this service such as Youtube, yelp, Google +, hangouts where you ask someone you know for help.

Video chatting has been known to have its ups and downs, when you bandwidth and internet speed are on ‘steroids’ the call and video quality is high and you enjoy the experience, but majority of people in Africa have low bandwidth, low internet speed or their data bundles are small since several telecos are hiking internet rates.

Is the idea nice?
Google is keen to innovating and its ability to come up with new products is high, and Help outs will definitely make people Google everything and by everything i mean use their products more.

Google will accept every publisher of content to be added to the list of providers, as long as they follow terms and conditions, this will might affect the quality of the content provided within these Helpout sessions.

So just in case you need to know how to edit Html 5 or learn how to dance ‘alingo’, or how to root your phone, you can search for a Helpout by Google and you will probably find the help you were looking for.

Airtel just hiked the price of Data bundles


Do celebrate if you are on warid, because marriage makes two things become one, in short both the traditionally known warid and airtel customers are now affected by the increment in data rates. We aren’t in the minds of Airtel to reason out why they have reduced the amount of data that particular amounts of money used offer. Could they have borrowed a leaf from MTN which earlier on hiked the rates for its data bundles.

This is how subscribers are going to surfer, Shs 500 will now get you 25mb not the previous 50mb, Shs 1000 will get you 50MB unlike the former 100MB, 2000 Shs will get you 100mb which was formerly 250MB. That’s a 50% reduction on average accept for the 2000 Ugx bundle which has surfered a 60% reduction.

“I don’t think anyone wants a 50% reduction in data volume… do you?

The manner in which telecoms are changing tariffs for data bundles isn’t the most amusing because they don’t announce the change in prices, you will basically find out the hard way, you load your airtime and get up to 60% reduction in data volume. Or your bundle will run out shortly and then you will realise you got less data after a reduction. The menu in warid that lets you but the data doesn’t show prices so you will probably not notice but the airtel menu is what helped me confirm this increment.

Airtel data bundle screenshot
The New Prices of Data bundles on airtel

These changes affect the daily bundles, so the only way will be able is to buy huge monthly volumes, a thing that majority of Ugandans are not willing or able to do. However despite the increment, MTN Uganda still remains the mobile phone telecom with the highest data bundles, seconded by Airtel, Orange then UTL.

This Internet trend in Uganda just keeps getting worse, even the argument of speed over price is now in question as most Telecoms are hiking data tarriffs.

Lets know your view in the comments, the best comments will get featured


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