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Android 4.3 launched: Its Definately sweeter!


Google has launched an update of Jelly bean 4.2, which comes on the new Nexus 7, and an update is available for the Nexus 4, 7 and 10. Updates for other devices are rolling out soon with some of the more elite android users already installing android 4.3 on the google play edition of the Samsung S4. Well the main issue is what’s new, what has been left out and is the experience better well lets find out about what google calls “an even sweeter version of Jelly Bean!”


A google demonstration of  the homescreens of different users
A google demonstration of the homescreens of different users

The most significant feature is the ability to add profiles to your android tablet, where you can actually share your tablet with family or friends and every users has a clean personalized space to actually work in, starting with different homescreens, apps, widgets, background all with multi-tasking abilities so you don’t have to log out or login to switch between users on the lock screen and for those who prefer more control of their devices and their users you can actually restrict app and data usage for various users and this might help parents to control their children and employers to watch over their employees and make sure they stick to only work related tablet usage.

Android will now scan every app you download from google play for viruses and run every app in its own sandbox which gives it a secure space to operate and all this is in a bid to provide security and protection.

Some tablets that support wireless display will be able to project onto bigger screens like TVs that support miracast. You sure won’t miss the daydream feature where your android devices displays photo albums, news from google currents and more when your your phone or tablet is idle.
You can now act instantly to notifications without actually leaving the notification area. And a lot is borrowed from the previous jelly bean 4.2 where widgets everything else gives room when you create a widget on your home screen, Google Now has been improved. Google now is powered by knowledge graph which displays relevant information to users when they search. And the new Google maps is intergrated in Android 4.3.

Android 4.3 has been given an amazing photo sphere camera where you can take photo from all sides forming a photo sphere that you can share with you friends which brings us to Open GL ES 3.0.
Open GL ES 3.0 makes the android faster and effiecient while display graphics, textures and patterns in a clear way, this improves performance and is in the new nexus 7.

And before i forget, like Google did since it didnt mention that their are emoji in the new android keyboard which you have to find in the language and input menu.

Screenshot of Android 4.3

Multi User Lock screen in Android 4.3
Multi User Lock screen in Android 4.3
Restrict User Settings in Android 4.3
Restrict User Settings in Android 4.3


Emoji in the Android 4.3 keyboard
Emoji in the Android 4.3 keyboard


There you have it, the new update of Android, feel free to share your views on the new OS!

A look at Windows 8.1 Preview!


Recently Microsoft released an update of it windows 8 operating system, and much as its a pre release edition of the final build that will be released soon. This not new operating system however a lot has changed and i will be detailing that below. Microsoft claims it took a lot of feedback from its consumers who apparently didnt not like Windows 8 so much as their were many complaints which brings us to the issues of the start button, which they have brought back in windows 8.1 much as it doesn’t do as the start button in windows 7.

The start button in windows 8 gives you a menu when you right click, and on this menu we have options to shutdown, restart, start the task manager, open the file explorer and several computer administration functions you will find in day to day use of windows 8.1. Besides the Start button is the usual task bar which hasn’t changed much however its color can be changed to match the window bar and border color.

Improvements have been done on the right corner menu, which had a few options previously but now has many settings when you go to PC settings and the section for devices has added the option to print and project whats on your screen to a projector keeping the wifi, notifications, volume, power and keyboard shortcuts on the right menu as we had previously. And Skydrive pro has been intergrated into the Operating system and you can find this in the right corner menu.

And why i started with the desktop, is because we can actually boot to the desktop instead of the windows start menu. And remember immediately after installation it requests you to sign in into your computer using your microsoft account and even when you skip this option, you keep getting reminded of how you have to sign into each app separately, which applied for apps such as people, skype, mail and thats when you realise the bing search app that had nice backgrounds has been removed and integrated into the whole operationg system to get you better search results from, apps, files on your computer, and news on the web all on pressing Windows + S or using the right corner menu, and then selecting search.

As you admire you new tiles you realise windows has added more resizing options for your tiles from large to wide to medium and then small so you can properly organise your tiles and when you hide an app you dont have to search then select apps to view it because windows 8.1 displays all you apps and installed software on the computer below the Tiles, all you have to do is click a drop button and small tiles with all your apps including administrative tools appearing and you just have to click a button to take you back to the Start menu tiles. I must say the new tile layout looks nice and is easier to organise and more customisation options have been added.

Customization goes from the background color and the accent colour to ability to name the groups of tiles and added a slideshow to your lock screen which i must say looks amazing which reminds me that the version of the preview i got which is the 64 bit version actually boots up with a retro fish like image instead of the windows 8 logo. I am not sure whether it will change when the final release is out but i have a feeling it will change.

Much as you notice many new things, there are those that you will definately notice such as the Reading List, Health and fitness, Food & Drinks, scan, alarm, which are native apps in Windows 8 not forgeting Help & Tips an app Microsoft claims will be active when the final release of 8.1 is out, and will help us use windows.

As i was going through my tiles and apps i couldn’t help noticing that the Messenger app was missing and is apparently replaced in favour of skype. Personally this was my biggest disappointment because messenger gave me the ability to chat with friends on multiple social networks now i have to do it with several apps.

In my quest for the Messenger i got a chance to look at the new Windows Store which i must say looks amazing, its now crisp, well organised and better looking. As we wait for the promised, official Facebook and flipboard apps we will be looking at an app store with over 100,000 apps.

switching windows

Windows 8.1 preview gives us the ability to spliting the screen to display more than 2 windows apps depending on the resolution and for those who used windows 8 will notice that in 8.1 you can actually split the screen into equal halves which wasn’t possible before, and i found this feature amazing and quite useful. You will also notice that when you have two apps already displaying and you open a 3rd its tile hovers in the between the two apps and falls towards the direction of your mouse then replaces the app without closing it.

The pros might will be happy as driver issues are minimal since i didn’t have to install WiFi, sound drivers as they come in built however this might vary according to the manufacturer. Most of the software i had from previous operating systems was working properly and defender had a few issues which were straightened out after installing updates, and in case you are to install windows 8.1 preview please make sure you update frequently to get bug fixes, and improve your windows experience.

Much as this is pre-release software, microsoft has made an update we will certainly appreciate however it feels like a lot is still not right for example ditching the messenger, bing app, and constantly requesting users to login in with microsoft accounts might not be the best for all those who are anti-PRISM, besides not everyone uses microsoft as their main email provider. However we give them credit for the new features such as more personalisation, spliting the screen to accommodate more than 2 apps on the same screen.

Editor’s Note: This Article will be updated from time to time.

MTN Uganda increases mobile money rates! After VAT things definately got worse!


Mtn Uganda announced new mobile money rates starting July 2nd, after the government announced a budget that levied 10% Value Added Tax on mobile money transactions starting 1st July. Definately the 10% levy on all transactions will be paid by the user hence increments in the the recent rates that were launched on 9th May. So Mtn Uganda users are going to pay more than what they have been paying.However unlike previous times, MTN Uganda might not bare the blame entirely since they have to pay this tax.
This is definately going to have an impact on those who rely on mobile money as a major form of money transactions however the service still seems convient and is a “backbone” to many businesses in uganda and has left many complaining.
In a press release by mtn says its active consumer base for mobile money has grown over 50% in the past year. The question is will such tarrif increments reduce the the consumer base? The answer could be yes or no, as some businesses are deeply rooted into mobile money for example mobile money agents, traders and many more. Mobile money still remains a convient way to send money and might retain its users.

Below is a press release from

“MTN Mobile Money touches the lives of many Ugandans on a daily basis and therefore there is the need to continuously invest in infrastructure to ensure improved service standards and reliability.

MTN Uganda’s Mobile Money active customer base has recorded significant growth by more than 50% during the last 12 months. The new Mobile Money rates will have slight increase on transaction fees, as example the convenience of sending UGX 4 million to another Mobile Money registered subscriber will cost UGX 2,200.

As Uganda’s leading tax payer MTN Uganda has an obligation to support the National development agenda by assisting in tax collection as prescribed by law.

“Although we feel the tax has been applied at a very early development stage of the Mobile Money product, MTN is committed to continued investment and growth of the service in Uganda,” Katamba added.
The national budget aims to widen the tax base, and one of the ways in which Government reaches new tax payers is via consumption taxes on various goods and services.

“We evaluated the impact of this new tax with all stakeholders and we saw the need to adjust our rates slightly in order for us to support this tax increment,” he concluded.

A screenshot of the mtn website showing the new rates

New MTN mobile money rates effective 2 July
New MTN mobile money rates effective 2 July

Samsung Zalego Boot Camp: 3 days of code come to an end!


Zalego a Kenyan based company teamed with Samsung,  to sponsor an Android boot camp to equip developers with android development skills at Outbox, which is a popular incubation Hub for developers and Tech start ups. The Boot camp was preceded by an Android Installation Party on the 14th of June an event i can refer to as a sold out concert where the registration was closed 1 day after the event was announced since it was a requirement for one to have attended the installation party to attend the boot camp. The turn out was overwhelming, and everyone had the android environment installed on their laptops.

Day 1 on 20th had all the registered attendees and more come ready to acquire the knowledge to develop android apps and by 9pm Mr. Richard Zulu the Program manager at outbox opened the event, then our Facilitator Mr.Eric started off with the Android code sessions which left some wondering how easy it was to develop but of course as the the training advanced their was some frowns,wrinkled faces, winked eyes, a bit of hair scratching to understand some elements but at the end of the day i never left the way i entered and according to the feedback forms that Outbox sent us after each day of the session, most attendees found the training very helpful. “Thank you all, according to the feedback forms most of you found the training useful…..” said Mr. Richard Zulu at the end of the event.

Well its the details of every session bit by bit, but day one had 3 sessions on User Interface, Intents, The following day Mr. Richard explained Content provider and broadcast receiver, Then finally Saturday had sessions on SQLite. The 3 day boot camp was not only developmental but also fun as Meals and WiFi were enjoyed during breaks at a price of 0 Ugx.

Well such sessions are very important to developers and Tech enthusiasts in Uganda because they provide free knowledge, skills, a condusive environment for developers to relate with more than just their computers but also get mentorship, business skills and also get tips on how to create relevant and brilliant apps. Incubation hubs Like Outbox, HiveColab usually have such events and are promising for more which we hope will improve the Technology sector in Uganda.

NFC: Do Ugandans really need it?


Well, before I get into this rather deep discussion, let me take this opportunity to clear the air about NFC. Well, NFC is short for Near Field Communication, that fancy technology used on most Android phones that lets you transfer files instantly by simply bumping two phones. It is cool, fancy and also makes life a little easier especially for shoppers who often use it for payments at the counter and also for club bangers that want to show their iPhone counteparts what they are probably missing, well, keeping all other ‘Air Drop’ factors constant.

NFC Logo

So, having gotten a clue about this new technology, I drop the big question, do Ugandans really need it? The Galaxy S4 and other “next big things” have all hit the Ugandan markets with new jaw dropping features that can leave anyone wondering how these guys pulled it off. I mean, whoever thought of NFC must be having brains from Mars because this technology has taken smartphone addiction to a whole new level especially in Uganda because I have seen it myself and so I am not talking out of hear say. One might argue it out that we need it because of the new shopping malls that are coming in, shout outs to Freedom City and others like MetroPlex for the good work well done

NFC makes sharing fun and easy because gone are the days of slow bluetooth and infrared, yes, I know of some people who still use infrared. NFC changes everything by simply holding your phone closer to another NFC enabled and voila, there you go! NFC also simplifies shopping (well for some countries) using the same technique. So, after a quick run through of this amazing technology, do Ugandans need it?

Elitehive: The next Ugandan Facebook


Ugandans are slowly catching up with the internet craze of these days. There are several startups that are emerging and this only shows Ugandans have finally woken up and also realized that there is opportunity out there online. So, as I was doing my rounds on the internet, I came across this eye catching website called EliteHive. For starters, it looks beautiful and no doubt it was named Elite.

Elitehive is a Ugandan social network that has a little twist to the way things are done. Founded by Ugandans who go by the names of Micheal Ntabazi, who is the founder, chairman and lead front end developer and Julius Gyaviira Sseremba who is the co-founder and CEO. At first sight, one might think some American developers did the work but when you go to the about page, that is when you realize Uganda has potential.

It is almost has no difference with Facebook so getting around it was easy for me, thus making it the next Ugandan Facebook. The first time you log in, there is an intro which really helped highlight the features of the social network and honestly, this has proved to be very helpful. The other thing I realised was that the people on the network so far are mainly Ugandans but that is soon changing, I am quite sure of that.

For those of you who want to build the next Facebook, this is an inspiration and starting point and truly this pushes Uganda forward in the internet presence sense. The founders seem to be open minded since they provide their email addresses and for sure those emails work because I sent them emails and I am sure those emails reached their destinations

iOS 7: Re-designed, Re-engineered, Re-everythinged


When Apple first unveiled the iPhone in 2007, many people were astonished by the beauty and vivid colors the operating system had and a year later, Google responded with Android OS that saw many companies begin manufacturing smartphones under the Open Handset Alliance and today Android is the most popular mobile Operating System. For Apple, the iOS has seen major changes since its inception in 2007 and 6 years later, it is a whole new complete makeover of the world’s most advanced mobile Operating System as Apple calls itios7new2

The first thing you realize when you look at the new iOS 7 is the simplicity and the vivid colors which were used. It looks refreshing and feels brand new, I am pretty sure Android diehards who were criticizing the iPhone are busy eating their words.
The new iOS 7 features a re-made interface that removes more clutter thus making it easier to view more of the content and the colors were so fine tuned to best suit the eye. Apple also made sure it never left out those features that make iOS very interesting, but, it included new features

One of the most outstanding features of iOS 7 were Control Center, Multitasking, Air Drop and iTunes radio. These new features bring in the wow effect in this version of iOS. Beginning with Control Center, this functions like Touch Wiz on Samsung devices but has a twist to the way it does its functions and these are Apple customized, I hope Samsung does not sue them on this new feature. The other feature is multitasking and Apple just nailed it on this one, this feature also detects your frequently used apps and the time thus programs itself to give you the latest of that app at around that time, so by the time you check your feed, it is already waiting for you! AirDrop is not new if you are a Mac user, for starters, it is an instant sharing technology by Apple that uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and may be the answer to the Near Field Communication (NFC) on Android devices. For the first time ever, Apple has considered adding a radio functionality and though many expected it to be hardware based, Apple took it to another level by adding it to iTunes.

Apple has taken a dramatic step in helping stop iPhone and iPad theft by introducing the new Air Lock feature. This is used by a registered user whose iPhone is stolen. The victim simply logs into his or her Apple account and de-activates the stolen iPhone instantly thus preventing it from being used by the thief or re-sold to another user. This surely is a good move towards reducing cases of phone theft.

These new features pose a big threat to Android owing to the fact that Apple has released the iOS 7 at a time when the other big companies like Samsung, Google and Microsoft have already released their flagship products and services. For Apple, it is simplicity that is the order of the day and this time around, they got the maps right, so you may begin trusting Apple Maps once again, may as I said! The release of iOS 7 also signifies that a new iPhone may be around the corner so we shall be able to give you a full review on that.

iOS 7 – New in the best way


During Apple’s keynote at the WWDC in California, Apple gave us a sneak peek at the new operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Well the glossy icon appearance has been changed for a rather more plain interface with the icons appearing flat. However the update is now available to Apple developers. The Official launch will be this fall.

Much as a lot has changed Apple says it tried to leave a few thing the way they are so that the interface still feels familiar.

I must say the new interface feels like new born baby, and by this i mean pretty, simple and from pictures powerful, i only have to wait for the official release to test this.
The new iOS 7 will have Airdrop a sharing feature that uses wifi and bluetooth  to share files, photos. Then Apple a multitasking features that displays a preview window of the previous apps you have been to on tapping the home button twice and trust me the interface is crisp.

Some of the features that i found really amazing include a feature called “Power control” that has options for you to turn on or off your wifi, bluetooth, play the next track and has shortcut to some of your favourite apps. Similarly there is a notification centre that has a list of events in way that you have a list of today’s events, all events and those you have missed like missed calls, missed events and messages.

The camera has got an update too, you can now take photos in new formats like square for instagram lovers, front and center as well as the previous panorama, still and video modes.
The photo library has made it easier to find old photos by making a collage with all photos for either a previous event together or in eith moments or collections so you wont struggle a lot finding a old photo.

Siri just got improved with new features such as returning calls, playing voicemail, controlling iTunes Radio, and a new look as well as what Apple calls a new natural voice that’s either female or male. Apple goes on to say that Siri is faster at answering questions and checks more sources, such as Bing, Wikipedia, and Twitter.

For those that might lose their costly iPhones, The find My iPhone app now can show your phone number when you lose your phone.

The App store has a simpler interface with a new “Kid zone” where parents and teachers can find apps for children, so finding games just got easy.

And before i forget, iOS7 comes with iTunes Radio that is free on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, Apple TV and wait even on PC free. You can create stations, choose artist and even have Siri to assist you search, more so, iTunes radio apparently gets more personalized the more you listen, well we just have to wait and see.

Remember iOS 7 is compatible with the the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch 16/24/32 GB, the iPad 2, iPad with retina display, and the iPad mini. Well just be a little patient for fall to get these updates on your iOS device.

Photos and video Source: Apple

Apple WWDC [Worldwide developer conference] kicks off


The Apple Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco has started today and we are going to be bringing you live updates on all key and minor occurances at the event. So sit back, relax and let us keep you updated with live feed, no need to refresh and live Video for you to watch.

Lets see whats new from Apple and keep checking for updates on Apple’s keynote.

A lot of bad blood in Windows Phone Ads!



Recently Windows commercials especially windows phone video commercials have gone beyond their purpose of marketing a brand to tarnishing rival brands, at least that’s what they think, though they are not doing it right. Usually I expect an ad to be purely about a product by the advertiser and maybe disguised rivalry however when an Ad actually ignores the informative bit a goes to hitting on rival products especially when the element is using to show rivalry is not that substantial, it actually portrays the advertiser as a little kid showing off his new toy that is actually worse than what the other kid’s toy is. Much as this strategy may give Windows phone some attention because of the rivalry shown in the videos since some may fall for the dirty trick which sometimes is a big deal because different people choose smartphones basing on different reasons.
The Ad that really shows the bad blood the commercial where the Asus windows 8 tablet vs the IPad where it’s clearly pointed out at the end with a comparison of the price of the iPad and Asus windows tablet. Here Microsoft tried to tarnish the iPads’ reputation in a manner I would call unprofessional as ‘Techies are interested in innovation and not some trash talking and innovation also caters for marketing strategies. The idea of showing your rivals price in a commercial is highly an professional and thats what makes me wonder as to wether Windows has a proper marketing strategy since an iPhone commercial will only and only talk about the iphone and they will tell us what they believe not say we are a better than company “x” because of blah blah, Crisp and clear commercials make a lot of sense compared to commercials based on rivalry.
See the Windows ASUS tablet vs the ipad commercial below;

The one that blows off my hair is the Windows Challenge ad against the iPhone, where “Ben the Pc guy” from Windows Phone tells us to actually to choose the Windows phone over the iPhone simply because you can actually send a text faster, personally I believe Microsoft could have done better than that.

And the whole Windows Phone Challenge is seems to be a marketing strategy that competes with other phones usually in one aspect per video commercial. However some of the Ads make sense for example the low light photo shot challenge against the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Well we can’t tell how this kind of rivalry video Ad is financially working for Microsoft to stick to it however I find the Ads very unprofessional and they seem to portray rival products as better or popular devices hence making Windows phone ads seem cheap in terms of brand power.
Much a Windows Phone is a growing platform I believe it needs a better marketing strategy even when rivalry is inevitable in a Commercial, I ought to be brought I a manner that so professional and at least not mention another products’ name. Take a look at the Samsung Galaxy S4 swimming Pool Ad which includes a scene that advertises NFC but does not mention the devices’ name and it rely shows maturity in advertisement.
Another question i keep asking myself is “Do the device manufacturers of windows powered devices like Nokia, Asus etc approve of such kinds of advertisement.
Otherwise keep checking we will be filling you in on the video rivalry and so much more Tech news. And kindly leave us a comment on what you think


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