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iOS 7: Re-designed, Re-engineered, Re-everythinged


When Apple first unveiled the iPhone in 2007, many people were astonished by the beauty and vivid colors the operating system had and a year later, Google responded with Android OS that saw many companies begin manufacturing smartphones under the Open Handset Alliance and today Android is the most popular mobile Operating System. For Apple, the iOS has seen major changes since its inception in 2007 and 6 years later, it is a whole new complete makeover of the world’s most advanced mobile Operating System as Apple calls itios7new2

The first thing you realize when you look at the new iOS 7 is the simplicity and the vivid colors which were used. It looks refreshing and feels brand new, I am pretty sure Android diehards who were criticizing the iPhone are busy eating their words.
The new iOS 7 features a re-made interface that removes more clutter thus making it easier to view more of the content and the colors were so fine tuned to best suit the eye. Apple also made sure it never left out those features that make iOS very interesting, but, it included new features

One of the most outstanding features of iOS 7 were Control Center, Multitasking, Air Drop and iTunes radio. These new features bring in the wow effect in this version of iOS. Beginning with Control Center, this functions like Touch Wiz on Samsung devices but has a twist to the way it does its functions and these are Apple customized, I hope Samsung does not sue them on this new feature. The other feature is multitasking and Apple just nailed it on this one, this feature also detects your frequently used apps and the time thus programs itself to give you the latest of that app at around that time, so by the time you check your feed, it is already waiting for you! AirDrop is not new if you are a Mac user, for starters, it is an instant sharing technology by Apple that uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and may be the answer to the Near Field Communication (NFC) on Android devices. For the first time ever, Apple has considered adding a radio functionality and though many expected it to be hardware based, Apple took it to another level by adding it to iTunes.

Apple has taken a dramatic step in helping stop iPhone and iPad theft by introducing the new Air Lock feature. This is used by a registered user whose iPhone is stolen. The victim simply logs into his or her Apple account and de-activates the stolen iPhone instantly thus preventing it from being used by the thief or re-sold to another user. This surely is a good move towards reducing cases of phone theft.

These new features pose a big threat to Android owing to the fact that Apple has released the iOS 7 at a time when the other big companies like Samsung, Google and Microsoft have already released their flagship products and services. For Apple, it is simplicity that is the order of the day and this time around, they got the maps right, so you may begin trusting Apple Maps once again, may as I said! The release of iOS 7 also signifies that a new iPhone may be around the corner so we shall be able to give you a full review on that.

iOS 7 – New in the best way


During Apple’s keynote at the WWDC in California, Apple gave us a sneak peek at the new operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Well the glossy icon appearance has been changed for a rather more plain interface with the icons appearing flat. However the update is now available to Apple developers. The Official launch will be this fall.

Much as a lot has changed Apple says it tried to leave a few thing the way they are so that the interface still feels familiar.

I must say the new interface feels like new born baby, and by this i mean pretty, simple and from pictures powerful, i only have to wait for the official release to test this.
The new iOS 7 will have Airdrop a sharing feature that uses wifi and bluetooth  to share files, photos. Then Apple a multitasking features that displays a preview window of the previous apps you have been to on tapping the home button twice and trust me the interface is crisp.

Some of the features that i found really amazing include a feature called “Power control” that has options for you to turn on or off your wifi, bluetooth, play the next track and has shortcut to some of your favourite apps. Similarly there is a notification centre that has a list of events in way that you have a list of today’s events, all events and those you have missed like missed calls, missed events and messages.

The camera has got an update too, you can now take photos in new formats like square for instagram lovers, front and center as well as the previous panorama, still and video modes.
The photo library has made it easier to find old photos by making a collage with all photos for either a previous event together or in eith moments or collections so you wont struggle a lot finding a old photo.

Siri just got improved with new features such as returning calls, playing voicemail, controlling iTunes Radio, and a new look as well as what Apple calls a new natural voice that’s either female or male. Apple goes on to say that Siri is faster at answering questions and checks more sources, such as Bing, Wikipedia, and Twitter.

For those that might lose their costly iPhones, The find My iPhone app now can show your phone number when you lose your phone.

The App store has a simpler interface with a new “Kid zone” where parents and teachers can find apps for children, so finding games just got easy.

And before i forget, iOS7 comes with iTunes Radio that is free on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, Apple TV and wait even on PC free. You can create stations, choose artist and even have Siri to assist you search, more so, iTunes radio apparently gets more personalized the more you listen, well we just have to wait and see.

Remember iOS 7 is compatible with the the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch 16/24/32 GB, the iPad 2, iPad with retina display, and the iPad mini. Well just be a little patient for fall to get these updates on your iOS device.

Photos and video Source: Apple

Apple WWDC [Worldwide developer conference] kicks off


The Apple Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco has started today and we are going to be bringing you live updates on all key and minor occurances at the event. So sit back, relax and let us keep you updated with live feed, no need to refresh and live Video for you to watch.

Lets see whats new from Apple and keep checking for updates on Apple’s keynote.

A lot of bad blood in Windows Phone Ads!



Recently Windows commercials especially windows phone video commercials have gone beyond their purpose of marketing a brand to tarnishing rival brands, at least that’s what they think, though they are not doing it right. Usually I expect an ad to be purely about a product by the advertiser and maybe disguised rivalry however when an Ad actually ignores the informative bit a goes to hitting on rival products especially when the element is using to show rivalry is not that substantial, it actually portrays the advertiser as a little kid showing off his new toy that is actually worse than what the other kid’s toy is. Much as this strategy may give Windows phone some attention because of the rivalry shown in the videos since some may fall for the dirty trick which sometimes is a big deal because different people choose smartphones basing on different reasons.
The Ad that really shows the bad blood the commercial where the Asus windows 8 tablet vs the IPad where it’s clearly pointed out at the end with a comparison of the price of the iPad and Asus windows tablet. Here Microsoft tried to tarnish the iPads’ reputation in a manner I would call unprofessional as ‘Techies are interested in innovation and not some trash talking and innovation also caters for marketing strategies. The idea of showing your rivals price in a commercial is highly an professional and thats what makes me wonder as to wether Windows has a proper marketing strategy since an iPhone commercial will only and only talk about the iphone and they will tell us what they believe not say we are a better than company “x” because of blah blah, Crisp and clear commercials make a lot of sense compared to commercials based on rivalry.
See the Windows ASUS tablet vs the ipad commercial below;

The one that blows off my hair is the Windows Challenge ad against the iPhone, where “Ben the Pc guy” from Windows Phone tells us to actually to choose the Windows phone over the iPhone simply because you can actually send a text faster, personally I believe Microsoft could have done better than that.

And the whole Windows Phone Challenge is seems to be a marketing strategy that competes with other phones usually in one aspect per video commercial. However some of the Ads make sense for example the low light photo shot challenge against the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Well we can’t tell how this kind of rivalry video Ad is financially working for Microsoft to stick to it however I find the Ads very unprofessional and they seem to portray rival products as better or popular devices hence making Windows phone ads seem cheap in terms of brand power.
Much a Windows Phone is a growing platform I believe it needs a better marketing strategy even when rivalry is inevitable in a Commercial, I ought to be brought I a manner that so professional and at least not mention another products’ name. Take a look at the Samsung Galaxy S4 swimming Pool Ad which includes a scene that advertises NFC but does not mention the devices’ name and it rely shows maturity in advertisement.
Another question i keep asking myself is “Do the device manufacturers of windows powered devices like Nokia, Asus etc approve of such kinds of advertisement.
Otherwise keep checking we will be filling you in on the video rivalry and so much more Tech news. And kindly leave us a comment on what you think

Iphone can be hacked using a charger!



The iPhone is among the phones people have found very secure, even professionals have found it extremely hard to jailbreak the iphone.
However Reports from Forbes have actually indicated that iphones can be hacked using a malicious charger.
In the upcoming Black Hat security conference in late July, 3 researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology plan to show off a proof-of-concept charger that they say can be used to invisibly install malware on a device running the latest version of Apple’s iOS!
This finding is quite shocking due to the high reputation the iphone has when it comes to security and the mind blowing idea of being hacked through a charger seems odd but true.

So the iphone users should stop using chargers from strangers otherwise their data might be compromised.

Google Glass won’t recognize your face for now!


Due to privacy concerns, the search engine giant has announced to developers that apps that use facial recognition will not be approved for Google’s wearable device dubbed “Google glass”. Apparently Google is concerned about privacy an issue that has been raised several times especially with people walking around wearing Google glass. So apps like MedRef for Glass an app designed for Doctors that uses facial recognition will just have to be kept away from the glass for now. The message was posted by the Google glass team saying

[quote_center]“We’ve been listening to you, and many have expressed both interest and concern around possibilities of facial recognition in Glass, As Google has said for several years, we won’t add facial recognition features to our Products without having strong privacy protections in place. With that in mind, we won’t be approving any facial recognition Glassware at this time”
Some of the privacy advocates are having a sigh because a lot of issues about privacy on the Google glass have been raised on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google +. As some stories about Google glass explorers “cyborgs” as some refer to the wearers, have gone to several places without taking their glasses off including restrooms i.e. “loos” which seems a little creepy.
And speaking of privacy, Google might have a long battle over privacy issues in regarding data protection laws in the USA, worse still the stricter laws in Europe after Google Glass goes beyond the explorer edition into commercial production. How do they intend to stop things like spies in offices or more realistically, movie pirates? Just imagine Google glass was as popular as our regular smartphone and people entered with these devices into cinemas, trust me piracy would definitely increase.
The criticism on Google glass is on the rise however not everyone got their ‘eyes’ on the Google glass Explorer edition so we might not enjoy looking through the glass of the device but those at the front of it are surely having their say which is not that positive.

Happy birthday: WordPress makes 10 years



Today the 27th of May, the world’s most popular Content Management System marks 10 years after its release. WordPress has grown from a mere blogging online software to a fully packed CMS. Thanks to wordpress we have an open-source Content Management System we can use to create websites, blogs, forums and micro-social networks. WordPress made it easy for any rookie to create a professional looking blog or website.

Since wordpress has proven to be a high quality CMS, many plugins and themes have been developed giving it a lot of support from premium to free plugins and themes that have improved the user experience and some have dubbed wordpress as the easiet CMS to use.

Much as wordpress has its cons we forget them and celebrate its birthday! Cheers to 10 years of WordPress. 10 years of quality blog and website design using wordpress.
Happy birthday WordPress!
The Guru8 team will be at Hive Collab for the wordpress meet up to share our experience with this great CMS


Xbox One Released


Microsoft unveiled the latest gaming console in a green lit event in Redmond, Washington. The build of the Xbox One resembles that of a big Decoder hence giving it an angled-glossy black box look and the Controller and Kinect unit have been redesigned. As a set the Xbox One is supposed to provide all your entertainment since this is what Microsoft has designed it to do, from linking gaming, TV and entertainment. Through several gestures and some PC features like Skype, ordering tickets as well as watching Live TV which is done by maximizing or minimizing the screen in the top corner. Live TV is available through the use of an HDMI cable.

One wonders what comes inside this Xbox that’s the size of both your DVD player and Decoder. The Xbox houses an eight-core processor and graphics made by AMD, 8 GB of RAM, a Blu-ray drive, USB 3.0, HDMI in/out, and 500GB of space. Furthermore the new Kinect’s accuracy has been improved and has a 1080p camera which allows Skype connectivity. Microsoft has gone ahead to claim it can read your heart beat. The new Controller has an integrated battery, a better D-pad and improved triggers.

Let’s not forget features like TV on Xbox, Xbox Live and Smart Glass with interactivity with a variety of phones and tablets, in built Wifi Direct and possibility of using second screens. And rumours of deeper Windows integration into the Xbox where an Os is rumoured to be developed to connect the Xbox One to windows devices.


Xbox one controller
Xbox one controller
The Xbox One
The Xbox One







This all comes before the scheduled release of the Playstation 4 which we shall keep you updated about.

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