Nothing beats arising to a morning filled with great and free knowledge. Well that’s what Intel shared with us on the second day of this Intel Ideation camp.

Today Mark from iHub its led today’s sessions that rotated around creation of ideas. He asked teams not to criticize ideas but rather come up with lots of ideas including ridiculous ones that the intelligent might call “bad ideas” based on ‘Creative Ideas’ theme.
We had to sort the ideas according to their value and uniqueness on a fun to use scale.

We then had to make a business model canvas for each group, a Business model canvas is built on 9 building blocks which you use to map out an entire business plan on one page.

Business Model Canvas
Mark shared that every canvas has to clearly define customer segments, value propositions, channels of delivery, revenue streams, key resources, key partners and cost structure. I believe this is the major reason startups are successful because it helps startups define a clear path to follow when promoting their apps and ideas.


Then we came to the moment everyone was waiting for, time for pitching came. We were lucky enough to have some tips from Abigael which included elevator pitching and a strong opening statement. Teams had an intense time preparing for the pitching session and pitching wasn’t as easy as it has always looked. I was totally impressed with what the randomly choosen team (in day one)came up with an hour.

Team Nutrita pitched a web based app to solve nutrition problems that young parents face. Team Smile Karamoja pitched an idea about taking an international school to rural karamoja.
Team. Team Hakuna queue pitched a health wearable which would reduce congestion at health centres. Team Nakawele pitched a wearable that detects whether mothers have malaria. Team Mospital created a solution for patients through a mobile application to find health services. Tusome pitched about an online lab simulation for schools.


The judges announce Team Hakuna Queue as the winner and in 2nd place came Nakawele and Mospital came 3rd. All winners went home with envelope with some party money.


The today event ended on a very good note as participants seemed quite excited. It’s such events that mentor developers and start ups to create awesome stuff. Kudos to Intel and outbox for organizing a brilliant event.