The days of buying numerous textbooks and a big bag to keep them in from being stolen are long gone. The internet has simplified life for us, thanks to a few brilliant Ugandan minds, the likes of Kevin Bazira, the CEO and Founder of, which is an online solution to everything academia as far as Uganda is concerned.
Exams wont know what hit them

With free online self revision, yes, free, is the epitome when it comes to ensuring the academic standards of Uganda are still held high. Revision using the online portal where you do not need t sign in or get disturbed by ads is a thumbs up for this platform. For those of you accessing the platform in a cafe, worry not, you can download the revision questions at a click of a button.
Career Guidance
There are lots of questions students ask themselves while at school and most schools do not carry out career guidance sessions, but, thank God for which has bridged the gap. Now students have a personal career assistant, so this is a platform to throw those personal career questions which are then answered at the earliest time possible.
Inspirational Articles and Testimonials
Everyone needs to be inspired so that they succeed in their exams. Inspiration is good for the mind and well, has those articles that talk about how to make it in life. This is a brilliant way of encouraging someone when you are not even around! Thanks!
Leisure and Lifestyle
Work all day makes Jack a dull boy, and yes, this is what inspired the founders of to come up with a section for relaxation, forget the movies and the series you watch on TV, this is academic relaxation, thus keeping the students in the loop and this seals a complete package for the student using this platform.

The first time I visited the site, I was not disappointed, I was just amazed at the simplicity of this platform. I do not want to put my own words here, let the reviews on the site do the talking.