Daily OTT Subscription Is Now Valid For 24 hours Not Up To Midnight


The plea against the biting OTT tax has not reached deaf ears. Concerns from the society have been made to the government and telecommunication service providers to either stop charging the OTT tax while others asked for a change in the mode of payment.

Mobile telecommunication networks have adjusted the period upon which the tax will run. In a press statement MTN has released to the public, the telecommunication company has announced that the subscription for the tax will expire after 24 hours.

“With effect from 1st November 2018, the validity of your daily OTT tax of 200/=, has changed from midnight to 24 hours” reads the statement.

Tweeps used the announcement to also ask other telecommunication companies if the expiry for their OTT is also 24 hours.

“Hi, validity period for daily OTT is now 24 hours” reads a response airtel has made to one of the tweets.

Prior to this announcement, the tax no matter what time the user subscribed to it expired at midnight. Even when the user subscribed for the tax at 11pm, the expiry has always unfairly been midnight.

This change is a likely relaxation from the government and URA, the taxing body because it was the same authorities that required the telecommunication companies to end the data subscription at 11:59 pm.

Feedback from users have been positive including some users claiming that they are not going to start paying the OTT after the changes have been effected.
