Good Bye Google Authorship, We’ll miss you


You might have seen profile photos of writers in your Google Search result recently, or perhaps a name of the author of a new story in Google Search results. That’s what Google Authorship is. As a blogger, Google Authorship has been an awesome link between authentic authors and Google search results, it gave authors, bloggers and writers this pride when users looked up their content on the web. In fact one was able to see the count of all posts a particular author had writer.

Setting it up wasn’t a piece of cake either since you had to edit meta data and link accounts, Today the service was silently killed, because your results won’t show up in the search results anymore, and John Mueller a webmaster and Trends analyst at Google shared a post on his Google Plus explaining that leaving the code in your head won’t be harmful and Google will treat just like any other meta-data in your website.

[quote_box_center](If you’re curious — in our tests, removing authorship generally does not seem to reduce traffic to sites. Nor does it increase clicks on ads. We make these kinds of changes to improve our users’ experience.) – John Mueller – Google [/quote_box_center]

Google also claims that they carried out varies experiments which proved that removing Google Authorship from search results didn’t reduce traffic to website and neither did it increase AD clicks.

Most publishers will probably raise their virtual candles to the death of a feature we loved