Roke Telkom Unveils Next-Generation Internet Connectivity with Fiber to the Home and Enterprise Launch


Roke Telkom, a leading provider of innovative telecommunications solutions in Uganda, has announced the launch of its Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and Fiber to the Enterprise (FTTE) services, signaling a new era of internet connectivity for homes, businesses, and organizations across the country.

Under the banner of “Live The Roke Life,” this campaign heralds a significant milestone for Roke Telkom as it introduces state-of-the-art fiber-optic network connectivity directly to residences, enterprises, and institutions. Departing from conventional broadband technologies such as microwave, FTTH and FTTE leverage optical fibre cables to deliver unparalleled speed, reliability, and performance.

Roger Sekaziga, Chief Executive Officer at Roke Telkom, expressed the company’s commitment to providing Ugandans with accessible, reliable, and high-speed internet. “Today marks a significant step towards realizing our goal of delivering internet that is fast, reliable, and accessible to all corners of the country,” he stated.

With FTTH and FTTE, customers can anticipate lightning-fast internet speeds, minimal latency, and robust connectivity, enabling seamless engagement in activities such as gaming, streaming, remote work, and online learning.

“Leveraging the ‘Live the Roke Life’ fiber campaign, we are poised to bring the transformative power of fiber optic technology to even more households and businesses,” Sekaziga added.

Fiber optic internet offers a myriad of benefits, including:

  1. Ultra-fast internet speeds: FTTH and FTTE provide blazing-fast download and upload speeds, ensuring a smooth online experience for all activities.
  2. Low latency: Fiber optic technology minimizes latency, offering a responsive and lag-free connection for real-time applications and gaming.
  3. Reliable connectivity: Immune to electromagnetic interference and signal degradation, fiber optics ensure consistently reliable internet connection.
  4. Support for multiple devices: FTTH and FTTE effortlessly accommodate multiple connected devices simultaneously, making them ideal for households and businesses with high bandwidth demands.

The “Live the Roke Life” fiber campaign aims to expand Roke Telkom’s FTTH and FTTE coverage across targeted areas, reflecting the company’s commitment to enhancing internet accessibility and empowering individuals and businesses with cutting-edge connectivity solutions.

Peter Muhumuza, Chief Technology Officer at Roke Telkom, affirmed the company’s dedication to enriching the lives of customers by providing superior internet connectivity that fuels their aspirations and endeavors.

The launch of FTTH and FTTE comes at a time when the demand for internet connectivity is rapidly increasing in Uganda. According to the UCC Q4 Market Report, the sector recorded significant internet traffic growth, highlighting the need for reliable and high-speed internet solutions like those offered by Roke Telkom.