Campus Bee, the number one campus news website in Uganda is nolonger just a website- but rather a web portal. After winning the Social Media Awards 2016- Best blog accolade, the young, dynamic and vibrant youths have today launched the first ever online campus bazaar; dubbed

Looking at the local campus bazaar where sellers and buyers converge in a small place to carry out transactions, the Campus Bee Bazaar is not any different. It is an online marketplace for University students to sell and buy items from fellow students and well accredited sellers who are within the university’s jurisdiction.

Anyone can post an item for sale and potential buyers can contact the seller and purchase the item directly- without the hustle of a middleman. Students can also search for cheap or good deals on items and services that are offered around campus.

Business owners around campus can also post listings/items but they must strictly indicate that they are around campus. For example, the photocopy lady in campus can post about an offer on discounts on photocopying or printing.
We shall have dedicated staff to filter and moderate listings to ensure that our site is credible and not filled with spam. Boses Muhinda, the Chief Technology Officer at Campus Bee says that will offer premium listings for those who want premium display. “We will have some premium listings based on what we believe needs/has to be seen by our viewers and buyers,” Muhinda said.

The bazaar will show listings based on what university students normally purchase and want-we also know that transport is a major issue, so one can search for items basing on the locality of his/her university so that meeting a seller is easier, faster, and transport friendly.

Everyday, posters are pinned on notice boards, trees and walls but their is no guarantee that the posters will remain because people tear them always, besides, posters litter the environment, so we are saying “the world is now digital” which means markets and notice boards should also get digital.

“We live in a world where technology simplifies the simplest of things. We felt inspired to work on a service which simplifies the life of students since studying isn’t simple. The days of sticking posters to walls using porridge and glue are long gone because we are modern and cool,” Muhinda added.

Sometimes students search for particular items but finding all listings in a particular place is hard. The Campus Bazaar has listings such as hostel rooms, coursework aides, house parties, events, fellowships and concerts- also has laundry service providers, hot campus girls to hangout with on weekends et al.

Click, post, sell, and someone will Click, Contact, and Buy… Let’s take our bazaar culture to a whole new level, from more than just a few weeks, to a 24/7 365 days Online Campus Bazaar. We believe that you either need a flexible and comprehensive sales solution or a tremendous selection of goods at competitive prices, with CampusBee Bazaar, we got you covered.