Samsung and HTC took Fool’s Day pranks to another level by posting images about products they had ‘launched’. Unfortunately the two Tech manufacturers pulled the same prank in different ways though. Their websites showed images and length blog posts of new Tech gloves with Samsung portraying Samsung Fingers and HTC showcasing HTC Gluuv. And its no parody post the companies actually posted the following statements.
[quote_box_center]Samsung Fingers is the slimmest (0.2mm) and lightest (1g) wearable glove by Samsung and comes with a wide 3 inch flexible UHD Super Emo-LED display. Combined with an advanced 16 megapixel camera, Samsung Fingers offers the best-looking selfies you get your hands on. Samsung Fingers also supports the latest, fastest networks including 5G and Wi-Fi 902.11wz so you can keep in touch with the latest. Boost your creativity with dedicated features such as Finger Painter and S-tut[/quote_box_center] Samsung went ahead to show gimmicky features like S charge using solar energy and what killed me were the gestures as seen in the featured image. They even joked more by saying that Samsung Fingers came in several variations. Samsung Fingers, Samsung Fingers Class and Samsung Fingers touch.

HTC Showcases the HTC Gluuv The Gluuv is supposed to be an accessory for the HTC One M8 and it boosts of an 87.2 MP camera on its selfie arm a Boom bass handle to take your music experience to the next level, and has wierd features like actually giving a thumbs up to like a Place on Facebook and comes with apps such as HTC Hi5, ProTekt, and NoMous

The story goes UNTIL you see a small message at the bottom of the website saying “Actually, as most of you will have noticed, this is not a real product or concept by Samsung at all – at least not yet. Happy April Fool’s!”